25 Things About Myself Tag

I recently came across a blog that I fell in love with http://www.lovedarbie.com/ .
And on her blog I found a list of 25 things about herself and at the end she tagged who ever was reading it, so since I needed a new post idea I figured why not!! So here are 25 things about myself.

1. I am 20 years old and 9 months, Im a criminal justice major and I have changed my major twice and ill probably change it again.

2. Im incredibly indecisive. Ive noticed this ever since I graduated high school and realized im in complete control of my life, I havent been quite sure what exactly what I want to do with it. That and being afraid of making the wrong decision with my life.

3. I loveee poetry, I write it too but I only share with my best friend.

4. On June 24th of this year I became natural. I cut off all my relaxed hair from transitioning for 5 months and I dont think i've ever loved my hair as much as I do now. I love my twa but I cant wait to see what my hair looks like grown out.

5. Even though I am in college for my criminal justice degree, I plan on attending cosmetology school after because i've always loved doing hair, its one of my favorite hobbies.

6. Ive recently clinged to blogging and reading blogs, Idk why but I love hearing others opinions about life, love, and everything else under the sun. Especially people who are super vulnerable, I dont know if I could be so courageous to let everyone know my problems but when I read about someone going through what Im going through there is a great feeling of being understood.

7. I love social networks and hate them at the same time. The idea that you can connect with people over the internet from all over the world is awesome, but at the same time my generation has become so obsessed with social networks no one really takes the time to stop and smell the flowers anymore.

8. I'm addicted to twitter. not much more to say about that other than "im working on it" acknowledging the problem is the first step....lol

9. Im kind of a hopeless romantic even though I very seldom admit that, I dont think what happens in movies should stay in the movies.

10. I dont really party or do any of the typical things college kids are supposed to be doing, and I dont feel like im missing out on anything...most of the time

11. I would definitely consider myself an introvert.

12. I complain about not having many friends but do nothing about it. It makes no sense to me but ill meet people and then do nothing more to keep in touch.

13. I have a boyfriend and im content with him staying my boyfriend for at least the next 5 years, I feel like im the only one  in my group of friends that is not rushing to get married or already married (mind you all of my friends are either 21 or younger). Not to say anything is wrong with that but I feel like taking your time is valuable. I want to enjoy each stage of being in a long term relationship, then being engaged for a year or two, then marriage and all that good stuff. 

14. I dont know if I want kids. I literally could see myself living either a life with kids or without them lol theres pros and cons to both.

15. I envy college kids that dont have to get jobs.

16. I hate working while in school but I love the money and being somewhat financially independent.

17. My best friend is my soulmate. (idk if this is considered "about me" but oh well I wanted to include that important note)

18. I never finish the books I start even though I am a self proclaimed book lover, unless theyre self-help books.

19. I love to travel, I plan to go just about everywhere before I die. Hopefully even space or to the moon.

20. Im the middle child.

21. I can sit and watch youtube videos about hair alllllll day, its ridiculous. 

22. I plan on marrying Drake and having beautiful children with him. He doesn't know it yet but ill let him know when we meet one day.

23. My Sun sign is Libra, Moon sign Capricorn, and Rising sign Virgo. Birthday October 4th, 1992

24. One day I want to own some type of small dog, maybe a yorkie or a maltese. In the meantime ill continue to treat my boyfriends dog like he's my own.

25. I love meeting new people

And there are 25 facts about me! So I dont know how this tag thing works but if you need something to talk about you should do it to!! 

My Fro

Lovin this pic of my fro :)
Mac RiRi Boy on the lips


Notes and Saved Quotes from my iPhone #38

"Patience child, patience. Remember, life is a journey. If you got everything you wanted all at once there'd be no point to living. Enjoy the ride, and in the end you'll see these "set backs" as giant leaps forward, only you couldn't see the bigger picture in the moment. Remain calm, all is within reach; all you have to do is show up everyday, stay true to your path and you will surely find the treasure you seek."

- Jackson Kiddard, author & polymath.

We live in a generation obsessed with and dependent upon instant gratification, people dont take there time anymore, no one knows what patience is, everyone is always rushing something. I dont know if technology is to blame for this fast paced world we live in or what but I wonder how far is this really gonna take us?

Im 20 years old, and it seems as though all of my peers are rushing something. Everyone is getting married, having children and im not knocking anyones hustle but I cant help but think "well dont you wanna live life a little beore you make those big commitments?". I have a serious boyfriend myself that i would love to marry someday but no time soon. I want to get a degree, travel the world, figure out exactly who I am and what I want. I used to feel like there was something wrong with me because of my peers making these big life changes but now I think differently..

 Im learning that its important to just do whatever fits you by your own standards of life. If your 19 and wanna get married then you should be able to do so regardless of societies standards and if your 19 and dont want to get married thats fine too. You should be able to do whatever you want with your life without having to explain for approval. 

Ok my rant is over, peace and be lovely
